Sunday, July 14, 2013

The View From the Top

My Father and I were sitting together in the midst of a deep valley. Totally unexpected, my Father turned to me and said, "Daughter, lets climb that mountain together." As I looked up, there stood a mountain unlike any I had ever seen before. Rocky, jagged, and incredibly steep.

"No, Father. I am very comfortable in this valley. It's safe here. It's familiar. Yes, it's a little dark, but I really don't want to leave. I'll just stay here." My heart began to race, as I knew my Father could coax me into anything He wanted me to do. This mountain ahead was just going to be too much, though. And I did not want to climb a mountain of this size and stature.

"Daughter, you have asked me time and time again to take you anywhere I wanted you to go. Today, I want to begin the climb to the peak of this mountain. Together, we can do it. I'll go ahead of you and make a way."

I could not resist my Father. I knew any climb He had for me would be what was best in the long run. He took a step ahead of me and reached back for my hand. "We'll start slow. We'll take baby steps, until you are ready to move faster. I promise I will climb every step with you. I will never leave you."

In a quiet voice, barely audible, I replied, "Ok, Father. What ever you want". He smiled down at me seeming so proud and pleased. And so we took our first steps. It was a little rocky at times, and just slightly up hill. I remember thinking that I didn't know why I ever resisted. I trust this man who is going before me, and He would never lead me to something I could not handle.

Suddenly, in the front of us I noticed the path was getting a little more steep. "Father, can we rest?" I said. "No daughter. We have only begun our climb. Lets keep going."

Winded, and thirsty, I continued the climb reaching for my Father's hand. He gladly held my hand, looking down on me with a gentle smile. I felt very safe and secure. Then out of no where came a boulder in the middle off the path. I knew my Father well enough to know He would climb over the boulder rather than going around. So I readied myself as much as possible to make the climb. He went ahead of me, showing me every single place to put my foot. As we reached the top He said, "Isn't it beautiful?" I turned and looked back at the path we had been on. "Oh my! How beautiful!" I exclaimed.

Soon we found our path again. This time the path was far more steep, and far more narrow. As we walked slowly along the path I asked Him for a rest. My soul needed water, my feet needed rest. He willingly saw that I was tired, and so we found a nice rock, and sat for a while. We drank cool water from a nearby stream, and chatted about the adventure had we had already been on. He smiled gently at me and said, "Child, it's going to get better. Are you ready to go?" I reluctantly replied, "Yes Father. I trust you."

The path became even more narrow as we climbed a little faster this time. There was a drop off on one side, and trees on the other. I began to tremble. My Father took my hand to steady me. We walked side by side for what seemed to be miles. I began to relax, as my trust in His judgement grew stronger. Often times He would place His arm around me to keep me from falling. Often He would walk behind me, having my back in case I slipped.

Day after day, night after night, we climbed. The night time was the hardest. Through the forest, there were nights we could not even see the moon. At times I would drop to my knees and crawl. I could not see Him, but I could here His tender voice. "Child, how I love you. My love will never cease. You are my pride and joy. Together we will see the peak."

I remember one evening the sky began to darken. A storm cloud was blowing in. "Father I am scared! This is getting very dangerous! Can we go back to the safe valley?" I pleaded. "No, my child! You MUST trust me! There is no going back!" As the storm grew closer, I began to cry. "Oh Father, I am terrified! I can't do this any more!" He face look down on me with a gentle smile, and He replied, "Yes you can make it. With me you can do anything.." He reached out and pulled me close, His arms wrapped tightly around me. I had never felt so safe in my entire life. For the next few miles, He carried me.

Along the way, we met many other travelers. Each one added a different ingredient to our journey. Some would stop and chat for a while. Their encouraging words would tell me everything would be alright. They would say that the climb I was on was worth the view I would soon get to see. Other fellow travelers would heckle me and say "You can't do this! You are not good enough to even be on this path! Your Father doesn't love you. No one loves you. You are unlovable. He is leading you to a cliff that you will fall from, and we can't wait to see it happen!" At times these voices were screaming in my face, causing me so much pain. But my Father would always speaking lovingly to the strangers and say, "My daughter is stronger than you think she is. With Me, she will be perfectly fine." I trusted His voice, even when I could not see His face. And so we traveled on.

Some days the trail was wide and smooth. The beauty all around brought peace and comfort. And some days were dark. On those days, I could barely hear His voice, and I certainly could not see Him. But I continued on. Sometimes we would almost run, racing to the peak. Other times, we slowly took baby steps. Some days, my fear took a hold, and I stepped backwards. On those days, my Father came back and got me, and walked by my side, as I crawled along. He stayed there, moving slowly until I could stand again.

Along the way, we talked about any and everything. We remembered the past, we looked to the future. We laughed and we cried. I fell several times. At times the wounds were deep. My Father would bind my wounds, so lovingly and gently. Then He would sweetly say, "It will take a while for this to heal. You will always have a scar. But the scar will remind you of our journey together, and my tender loving care." Painful much of the time, the wounds did begin to heal. Sometimes they would reopen, but Father would place His healing balm on them, and they would heal stronger than ever before.

After days and days, months and months, I could see the peak of the mountain. I was climbing much faster and harder by now. Seeing the peak, and knowing it was in reach somehow gave me strength I never knew I had. There were more and more days that my Father and I laughed. Fewer tears were shed. Lighthearted and at peace, the journey, though still steep, was getting easier.

Finally after miles and miles of travel, meeting many fellow travelers along the way, many scraps, burns, thorns, and gashes, the peak was only a few feet away! Father ran ahead of me. I could see Him standing there at the peak of the mountain. His face was glowing with pride, as He smiled at me. "Child! Look at you! You have become so strong! You are so beautiful! I am so proud of you for going on this adventure with me. No Father has ever been more proud!" He reached His hands out to me. His hands were scarred, too. I knew then that He had understood every hurt I had gone through. I grabbed His hands, and together we turned and took in the view.

Oh my! The beauty of this magnificent view! I could see the entire path we had been on. I could hear applause from my fellow travelers. And then we all just stood quietly, in awe of the view. Our voices raised in praise, as one. For the view was so worth the journey we had taken together. My Father wrapped His arms around me beaming with pride, and love. "Well done my child. I have never loved you more than I do today!"

I am ready for another journey, after I rest here for a bit. My Father will be there every step of the way, cheering me on, healing my wounds and loving me unconditionally. He's wonderful like that, you know....