Monday, January 16, 2012

Dear Church

Dear Church,
As of late, my heart has become very troubled for you (us). As I write this, please don't think I am excluding myself. I am just taking a realistic look at what we've become.

Over time, we have bought into many lies and deceptions that the world has to offer. We have ceased to live our lives in a manner that reflects Christ. And yet we go to church Sunday after Sunday, put on our religious faces, and try to fool everyone around us. We lift our hands, nod our heads, and give each other hugs. Then we go home to our lives of secret sin, and believe that if we hide it, no one knows. And if no one knows, it doesn't exist.

We teach honesty, and yet we lie and deceive.

We preach love and yet turn our backs on those who look differently than we do or live differently than we do. We rush to the food bank or community kitchen to volunteer at Christmas. (and there is nothing wrong with this!) But we pass right by the needy ones, or those of a different race, or a different 'class' when we are out and about going through our daily routine.

We preach against sexual sin and adultery and yet we watch porn, secretly chat with and text people other than our spouses, send Facebook messages to those we shouldn't be corresponding with, and continuously use technology to cheat. After all, if no one knows, then how can it hurt anyone?

We wound each other deeply with our words or actions and yet we never say we're sorry. We never make things right. We never acknowledge the pain we've caused.

We huddle together so closely, only hanging out with fellow Christians, while those who used to be "one of us" walk away. We seem to never notice they are gone. We are far too busy to call or text them and tell them we love and miss them.

We teach and sing about the joy found in Christ, and yet we turn our backs on those that are depressed using insensitive sayings like "just believe God" or "just pray about it" or "I'll be praying for you". Then we avoid them like the plague. After all, they are far too draining to waste our time and emotions on, right?

We preach being kind, and yet we disrespect, betray, and back stab.

We preach integrity, and yet we steal and cheat. It's just the government. They owe us more anyway...or it's just my employer. They don't pay me enough anyway. Etc... 

What brought all this on? The truth is, I have so many people in my life that I love who have walked away from the church. I talk with them every chance I get. They are so wounded that they confuse the pain caused by believers with the existence of God, They don't see Christ in those who confess Him loudly. Rather they see hypocrites, liars, deceivers, and adulterers. "If Christians reflect Christ, then He's not a God I want any part of" they will say.

Time and time again they tell me it's because of the hypocrisy in the church that they have walked away from their faith. I hear over and over how they are burnt out on a belief that teaches love yet rejects those that are struggling with sin or pain. The drug addict, or homosexual, or adulterer, or liar would not dare come to us for help or for love. We are far too judgmental and hyper spiritual. And yet, we are the same. We are struggling with these same sins in secret. Its easier to point a finger than it is to love. Its easier to turn our backs than face the sinner.

Take someone who has walked away from God to coffee or invite them to dinner. And let them talk. Just listen! Don't quote Scriptures or preach. They already know how we believe. You'll be amazed at what God can do through us if we learn to open our hearts!

This is not what I had in mind writing when I sat down. As I write, I am examining myself, and it stings really bad. As Jon Foreman says, "A mirror is much harder to hold".
Much Love!

 Here's that tune from Jon Foreman! Give it a listen! :)