Sunday, December 22, 2013

Be Near Me, Lord Jesus

I am extremely blessed to have so many girlfriends in my life! Some are a little older than me, and some are younger. They all have brought a different 'flavor', if you will, to my life. Each one adds something unique and special to me. I could write a blog about each and every one of them. Maybe someday I will do that. I am afraid I would hurt someone's feeling, though, if I left anyone out. So, I'm not going to name the names of each of them. I really wish I could though. My heart is so full of love for them all.

Today, I have one special lady on my mind. Her name is Kathelene. She will never read this blog. I don't think she even owns a computer. But Kathelene has taught me so much about life, and it's real meaning. She has taught me not to stress over life, and to be grateful for each and every thing God gives me, whether big or small.

The last day I worked last year (before I got my blood clot), I stood in the parking lot with Kathelene. She is such a gracious, kind woman. As we stood and talked, she first told me to take better care of myself (I had just had a minor surgery). She said, "Kim, you have GOT to rest and stay off your feet. You could become worse, instead of getting better." Her words of wisdom were correct. The next day, I did begin to get pain in my leg. That was on a Thursday. By Sunday, I was in the ER with a blood clot.

As my mind drifts back to that day, standing in the parking lot and talking with her, I remember her eyes filled with tears (as did mine). I had asked her about her sister. Her sister had a critical illness and they did not know how much longer she would live.

 As Kathelene talked, her voice began to quiver. You see, she and her sister were very close. They were inseparable as children. They remained close until the end. My dear friend began to tell me about her sister's health. She said, "It won't be much longer. But still, I am grateful to God that she made it another year. I woke up this morning and thought to myself, 'Look how beautiful the sun is shining. And I get to go to work, and see my wonderful children. I am so grateful to God for another day to be alive and to serve Him.'

That was always her attitude.  Kathelene finds something to be grateful for every single day. She can be living in the worst circumstances, like she was on that day. The sorrow and pain was evident on her face. She was losing her beloved sister. She knew any minute she would get the call that her sister had passed. But in the midst of her hurt and pain, she was grateful.

I have learned through Kathelene's example, to find gratitude in the little things in life every day. I have learned to watch for God's 'little' miracles every single day of my life. (That is, if any miracle is ever little). I am keeping a journal. The tone and direction of my journal has changed completely. It has changed from my problems, irritations, and complaining to God, to a journal of gratitude.

I have asked God to not let me miss any miracle He sends my way. Whether it is a big miracle, such as healing or providing much needed money, or a small miracle, such as holding a baby while he sleeps, I don't want to miss it! And, guess what? It is as if blinders have been taken off my eyes. I see miracles every single day. God even throws in some very unexpected miracles, just for me. I can't begin to list them all. But I will say this. I am blown away from all God gives me! He makes beautiful things, and then allows me to see them. This is such a humbling experience to me. The Creator of the Universe allows ME to see His miracles!

I go to bed every night and attempt to jot down all He has shown me, and allowed me to see that day. On most days, I write an entire page of miracles! As I lie in bed that night, I thank my Father for each and every thing He has shown me.

I would encourage all of you to do the same. Begin viewing life through God's eyes. Begin asking Him to allow you to see every single miracle He throws your way. Ask Him to take the blinders off your eyes. You might see a gorgeous bird flying by, hear the laughter of a child, receive a hug from a friend, or witness someone being healed. I believe God tailor fits our miracles just for us. He knows us intimately, and He gives us the things that make us happy.

As we begin to view life with our blinders off, we find that the big things in life (the hardest, most difficult things) still exist. But they are more manageable. And we find that, on a mundane day, where nothing is happening, it's rainy outside and life seems to have us down, there are still many things to be grateful for. Just try it. With a sincere heart, learn to be grateful. It takes practice. It takes changing the way we think. But it is so worth the effort! What seems to be unbearable, suddenly becomes bearable.

No, the pain is not gone. There are still tears, hurts, and problems all around. But sincere gratitude will change your prospective on many things.

I still cry often. Many times I go to bed in tears. Sometimes my tears are from hurts, but many times they are tears of joy! Over all, I am grateful. Even the hurt and pain, the worries about how I will make it financially, or physically, emotionally still exists. But my gratitude toward God brings balance to my life. It keeps me from dwelling on my hurts and worries.

I don't know this for sure. But I imagine on the day Kathelene lost her sister, she was grateful for all the years God gave them together. She is just that kind of woman. And I want to be like her. I want to be grateful every day of my life.

I love you all! To each and every girlfriend I have sat down with and talked to, or gone to lunch with, emailed, text messaged or hugged, I am grateful for you. I call you all by name before my Father often. You fill my life with love, encouragement, laughter, and joy. What more could a girl ask for? Maybe someday I'll write about you!

Much Love to all my readers. Merry Christmas. Enjoy your families, your homes, and your true loves, and most of all, enjoy your Father, for He alone is worthy!

Much Love, and Merry Christmas!