About 2 weeks ago, I had an ultra sound done on my leg to see if my blood clot was stable enough for me to move forward with surgery. After talking things over with my radiologist, and then my Dr, we made an amazing discovery!
A long, long time ago, I had another blood clot. This one was in my thigh, in a main blood vessel. It only took me a second to remember having this blood clot. It was right after Lindsay was born. I had every symptom of a major blood clot, but my obstetrician misdiagnosed it! While talking to my Dr, he told me that blood clots in this exact location is the #1 cause of death in women after child birth! God spared my life! What an overwhelming thought! God used His healing power to spare my life. No medicine! No doctors! Pure God and His healing power!
We found from this ultra sound that my current blood clot is stable, and becoming "old" tissue. So I got the go ahead from my Internist and my Gynecologist to move forward with surgery. (a complete and total hysterectomy, done with robotics) Because this surgery is a major gynecology surgery, there is danger in me developing another blood clot in my thigh where the 24 year old clot was. There is also danger of me developing clots in other locations. I asked my Internist, once again, if there was any alternative we could try before we moved forward with this surgery. He assured me that everything has been done that could be done. And nothing is working, so surgery is the next step.
It has taken me a few days to 'chew' on this new knowledge. I obviously have known that I am at risk to develop new blood clots with any surgical procedure. But realizing the danger with this future surgery has taken me a few days to take in. One of my dear friends said to me "Kim, God saved your life without you even knowing it many years ago. He will do it again. I have NO DOUBT!" I'm drawing on her confidence and encouragement, and my confidence and faith in God. He has given me peace that this road may be rocky at times, but I will come out of it just fine. :)
Last week I saw my surgeon, Dr Depasquale, for my first visit. He was
kind, and understanding, and knowledgeable in preventing blood
clots. He called my Internist and they devised a plan that included aggressive treatment with Lovenox injections (yuck!) and Coumadin before and
after surgery. Hopefully this will prevent new clots after surgery. No
guarantees, but it's the best option for me. We did discuss placing a
mesh filter in an artery temporarily until I am past the danger. Then it
would be removed. This would give me peace of mind, and added
protection, but would also mean 2 more procedures to go through. So, as
of today, I have decided against it.
He could not do my surgery until
Feb 22. I was disappointed, as I am ready to move forward with all this. I have been sick since late summer, first with the gynecology problems, then with the blood clot that was the result of a minor surgery, and then again with the gynecology problems.
This adventure has become difficult emotionally as well as physically.
Since we know God is building endurance through all this, I will be the
toughest, strongest woman you know when all this is over :) haha We are praying for a
cancellation and an earlier date, but God knows best.
Thank you for your
prayers. I will keep you updated.
But for now, my prayer request are:
*Emotional peace, and strength to get through this time of waiting and anticipation.
*An earlier surgery date
*My family, as this is difficult on all of them. My parents, with Mom's health problems, this is causing them extra stress.
*No complications after the surgery. Because my blood will be so thin, that brings the danger of internal bleeding, and other complications.
*I really really want to come home quickly. With NO complications, I can come home the same day. With complications, it can mean a hospital stay of a few days. Of course, I'll stay if that's what's best to keep me stable, and safe. But the sooner I can get home, the happier I'll be :)